I'm Andrea. A girl who aspires to be an animator and artist and make other people smile with what i create. And hope to meet new artists here at Newgrounds ^_^

Andrea @AndreaPadillaCollazo

Age 27, Female


Sagrado Corazon

Puerto Rico

Joined on 12/9/15

Exp Points:
19 / 20
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
1.93 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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Welcome to Newgrounds!It's nice to see a new face around.I wish you all the best in your studies and hope that you have fun here!Take care!

Thank you so much!!

If you need anything,please feel free to ask and I hope to see more of your art too!

Thank you so much!! You don't know how happy it makes me feel that someone is there for me!

It's nothing really and you don't have to thank me,all artists need support!

true true =)

How did you know about this place?

I saw "Draw with Jazza" on YouTube always announcing a new "challenge of the month" and I've always wanted to enter but i never had the time until now

I knew about this place from a zombies animation I found.The internet is full of surprises,huh?

Heh Tell me about it =)

Do you have any plans this Christmas?

Well ummm same as always, give all my support and love to all my loved ones through art (drawings and music). How about you?

Not much but I might do some art.


Nah,I haven't submitted anything here for a LONG time,so I am just practicing.

I'm also practicing but i like to know what other people think of what i do and if i do anything bad they can tell me what i did wrong and become a better artist

I didn't submit anything because I feel embarrassed to show my work.Newgrounds is a good place to learn,so I support you!

why would you feel embarrest of your own creation? But i understand. Here it is a good place to learn

I don't think I am ready to show it as I need to practice.Practice makes perfect,you know!

thats true

When did you start doing art?

I've always done art since i was a little girl. I would do little comics of adventures where the protagonists was my favorite bunny plushy at the time. Also my love and passion for animation went crazy at first when a pretty big part of my life changed. My dad and my siblings and I went to the movies when i was 9 years old and watched "Bolt, the super dog" and it just blew my mind how every movement of the movie was put on motion and i just loved it with all my heart.Then I left art for a while because in my school things are pretty crowded and very stressful until last year when i was watching legend of Korra (idk if you've heard of that show but for me it marked me big time) and i asked myself "how could they give life to this drawing?" or (as i like to call it "this creation"). The question burned me from the inside out in a very good way and i wanted to do that with everything i had. I started copying and tracing but i really wanted to do my own styles until this i saw this channel on Youtube called "draw with Jazza" and my improvement (as in skills) with art went over the charts crazy fast. I still can't believe how much I've improved in the last 6 months but I still have a lot to learn.

I went the same way too(without the comics,movies and learning from Youtube videos).Mine started when I went to kindergarten when everyone had to draw or get their books flung out of the classroom,it's kinda like drawing for your life(or book).I realized I enjoyed this and well,it stuck with me all the way to elementary school,where it wasn't so bad.In fact,I made 'enemies' and 'fought' with them in a 'war' where everything(tanks,soldiers,missiles) was drawn on paper.That ended when we grew older and moved to different classes but I still drew(or doodled) and that got me into trouble sometimes.I stopped when I was in the ninth grade because I had more work and less time to draw.I didn't really continue until 2012,when I started playing with an art program on my computer and so,I am still practicing(but unsure if I've improved).It wasn't easy to practice while I was in the army because of the work I got but I still found the time to do that.

Wow! Your story is epic! =D. And whoa i didn't know you were in the army? I'm still very happy you never gave up at art

Thanks,miss!It's nothing really,most of the boys/men in my country had to go to the army and I only did my part.I was bored so I doodled but I had to keep it away from my colleagues who wanted to know what I was doing.

Hehe i understand c=

and calling me miss made me feel older hehe ^^'. I'm just a 17 year old girl. Well... almost 18 in February

Sorry about that,I call every lady(except those in my family)a miss or mam.It must be a habit I got from school,hehe,so how should I better address you as then?

Hahaha dont' worry. It's ok! Miss is good, thanks c=. I feel good that you adress to girls with respect. Girls should do the same with guys

Nah,it's nothing really,it's the least I can do for another person.I have little interaction with anyone because I am an introvert in real life,so I'd prefer writing than talking.

I guess thats something that you and i have in common. I mean... I admit i try to be social but i can't find people who i can really have a real conversation that i can enjoy. I only had a person and the guy just ignored me for some reason. I also prefer writing. I get more honest and everything that comes to mind i type or write it. I guess it's easier but it's also a problem because then when we need to say something for real we cant. We just write it

It got so bad my superior had to make me read in front of everyone because she said I was talking too little and honestly,I didn't like it but orders are orders.

Mmmm... I feel sorry for you =/

It's over now,so you don't have to feel bad for me but thanks.Is it cold in your country?

Haha actually is the other way around. I don't live in a country. I live in a small island called Puerto Rico you can look for it if you want

Wow,there's so much interesting stuff about your country.

Hahaha you really think so? What do you like about it

Let's see,the weather(it should be pretty similar to that of my country,which is also an island),the food(I'm not picky),the culture,history and the people(being an introvert doesn't stop me from enjoying company,I guess).One thing's for sure,I would love to visit there one day!

Hehe cool!! I'm glad you like it here

What I get from the Internet isn't as awesome as the real thing!

Hehe well sometimes is better to leave it on the internet. Ones you really get to know Puerto Rico, it's a real disgrace. Being honest. The political service is shitty (sorry for the language) and they just take what they want and make excuses for the next four years for voting

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