Aah. Interesting and good choice. But besides Photoshop, are other good programs for drawing and animations.
For example: if you want to make good drawings, try to use Paint Tool Sai, or Firealpaca. Good programs are Gimp, Paint Tool Sai and Flash (besides drawing you can animate, but I should remember the version) and much more. Maybe you'll not gonna believe me and you will say I'm joking, but also with the simple Paint program you can make nice artworks (good for me because simple and has the brushes).
But now, if you want something more developed and about photoshop the best version is Photoshop CS6. Has all the kinds of brushes and palette colours and of course you will need another kind of tablet, the Wacom's are the best.
Some advices about Photoshop? About what?
About how to use the program in stuff like art works or cartoons or posters and things like that.